Thursday 28 April 2011

A LITTLE FRENCH RURAL CHARM HERE. This number was spotted on a Rue Des Ecoles. Good to see the French are starting their bin education young. Shame they leave dog shit all over the place though eh?

Monday 25 April 2011

No bin collection today. Bank holiday ain't it?

Cheers to Arun District Council for the image.

See u Thurs. Trash Gordon and the team.

Thursday 21 April 2011

NO. 3 OF 3 FROM MONTREAL HERE. AND A REAL HANDSOME BRUTE IT IS TOO. Just look at the chrome detail, the stong vertical black lines contrasting with the soft, powdery snow. One can only imagine what it contains... Cheese? Salopettes? Celine Dion's Greatest Hits?

Thanks to JMS for this. And apologies to JMS for the disorganised nature of the BATW filing cabinets. We will endeavour to improve as time progresses.

Monday 18 April 2011

ANOTHER MONTREAL DEAL HERE. What the heck is it about this place? The bins are chameleon like, blending seamlessly in with their surroundings. It's a wonder the boys out there can even see them to make sure they're emptied on a Monday at 9am.

Thanks to JMS for this one. If he keeps it up we might call him King Suloman.

Thursday 14 April 2011

CHECK OUT THIS TWINSET FROM MONTREAL. Lovely combo of bin and bench in complimentary outfits.

As it was in Montreal we shall file it as a poubelle. If it were elsewhere in Canada it'd just be a regular trash can.

Thanks to Anna for this one.

Monday 11 April 2011


Bin means am in German. Bin in German is Mülleimer. There you have it.

Cheers Romy, schones first contribution!

Thursday 7 April 2011

THIS BIN SAYS ALL IT NEEDS TO: ENJOY IT, WRAP IT, BIN IT. Interesting that up north chewing gum is so popular that they have created specific bins to accommodate mastication prone locals' detritus.

Thanks to J Foreman for this one. Top lad.

Monday 4 April 2011

EGYPT. LOTS BEING WRITTEN ABOUT IT THESE DAYS. Luckily we've got a courageous binternational correspondent willing to travel to such lands. And guess what, she's only sent one of the greatest landscape bin pictures the world has ever seen.

Thanks to Miriam for this.